Launch your shop’s grand opening

in as little as 2 weeks!

 And make your money back within your first 3 days in business!
Every tattoo artist has the same dream…

get good at the art of

Get locally recognized - and then become locally famous...

Hopefully tattoo a celebrity or two and then open your own shop
  • work the hours you want
  • set  your   own schedule
  • become a true master of your craft
And in the process get freedom that only a few can ever dream of… 

But what does freedom as a tattoo artist really look like to you?

For some artists, it just means being able to quit a job they don’t like…

For others, it’s about having the ability to make a few extra bucks on the side.

But to you... It means a lot more.

It means owning your own shop

Being your own boss and choosing where your career is headed…
Taking charge of your own schedule so you can decide when to work and when to spend time with your family…

And being confident in your skills so you can reach your artistic potential.
It means doing the tattoos you want to do…
Working with the clients you want to work with…
And inviting the artists you want into your shop.
Most of all…

It means being in control of 
your life.

Because as a shop owner, you can go from an unknown tattooer to having your name known as a 
top-performing artist in your area…

You can keep 100% of the money you make 
instead of forking over half your income to 
another shop owner…

And you can provide more opportunities for your family doing what you love instead of feeling beaten 
down at a job you hate.
You can easily see yourself doing all of those things.

But there’s one single, scary obstacle…

There’s one problem that’s only temporary…

But it keeps most artists from achieving their dreams.

It’s the cost. 

And I don’t just mean the price tag…

I mean the cost of the time, too.

Those weeks or months it takes to get a shop up and running…

While you take the personal hit, hoping that your shop will start turning enough profit that you’ll be able to feed yourself and your family…

It seems impossible if you don’t have tens of thousands of dollars already sitting in the bank.

but what if i told you...

That it was not only possible for you to open a studio on a shoestring budget…

Be certain that you’ll make back your investment… AND get paid…

All in the first few days of being in business…

Without pulling your hair out, trying to understand all the different legal forms and regulations…
Or wasting your time scraping the bottom of the barrel for YouTube videos explaining each specific problem you run into like I did…
Or worst of all - relying on guesswork to get you through. Because - I promise - that never works.
And the only way to accomplish that is for me to show you a little-known way for an 
average up-and-coming artist to become a locally famous tattoo shop owner.

And it all starts with an easy-to-follow system that virtually guarantees your success - even if you have no business experience…

So, would you be willing to listen to 
my advice?

If I wrote out each individual step you needed to take in order to open a shop in just two weeks on a piece of paper…

And put it on the table in front of you…

Where all you had to do was look at it in order to 2, 3, maybe 4x your current income… 

And let you watch your studio steadily grow into a successful, booming business…

That easily attracts clients to you

Would you at least be willing to take a peek?
Or would you push your chair back, get up, and walk away?
If you’re willing to take just 7 minutes so I can lay out that system for you right now ...
And protect you from the risks that keep most tattoo artists from achieving their dream…

Then put away all the distractions…

Take a deep breath… And keep watching the video.

My name’s Brandon.

I’ve been tattooing for 13 years, and today I own my own shop in Tennessee.
As a shop owner, I work my own hours, I only take jobs that I actually want to do, and I have no problems supporting my family - even when I’m away from the shop or on vacation.
But it wasn’t always that easy…
In fact, getting my first shop up and running wasn’t an easy process. 
As an apprentice, I watched every move my mentor made.
I learned how he handled paperwork…

How he made sure the shop was approved by the health department…

And everything else that needed to get done for a shop to run smoothly.

But the thing is…

Even though I learned as much as I could…
It took years for me to even believe it was possible for me to open up my own place.
And that’s because artists in this industry told me over and over again how impossible it is…
How they had to put a ridiculous amount of money that I could only dream of into their shop…
And how much of a battle it was to go through the process of getting everything approved by the health department so they could even start taking customers.
But deep down I knew I’d always wanted to open my own shop…
And I knew I’d never be able to live with myself if I didn’t try.

The problem was: I was scared 
to leave.

Even though I was barely scraping by financially…

I had finally learned how to tattoo after years of being an apprentice…

And for the first time, I was making a steady paycheck through my art.

I thought that maybe I should just stay where I was…

Work those 10 hour days, 6 days a week…

And deal with the fact that I’d never actually have control over my own time…

Because there was no way I could afford my own shop.
And I figured if I could just make a little bit more at the shop I was working in…
That I’d be able to keep working as a tattoo artist and get by.
But when I asked the shop owner if I could finally come off of apprenticeship pay 
because I was now doing professional work…

He said no.

I realized that he’d never see me as anything more than an apprentice… 

Which meant that if I wanted to make actual money in this industry…

Have the freedom to do what I wanted to do instead of work day and night making someone else rich.
And, most importantly, give my family the life they deserved…
I needed to go out on my own and start my own shop.

When I told my mentor my plans to make the move to go out on my own…

He fired me that day.

He saw my goals as a personal threat…

Because he knew I was capable of becoming his competition…

And now his plan to teach me just enough that I could make money for him…

While holding me back so that I couldn’t outgrow my role as an apprentice in his shop…
Was ruined.

The problem was…

I didn’t have a lot of cash to spare to get things up and running…

And my entire family told me that it’d be a waste of money, and that I should just find some other shop to work at.

I started researching the process as much as I could online…

And even though I found out that there were more requirements than I thought…

And that opening my own shop would mean I had to learn a lot of new skills…
I also found out that the shop owners who tried to scare me away from opening my own shop…

Had lied.
They only wanted to keep me from becoming competition…

And taking away their clients.

Opening a shop wasn’t nearly as 
expensive as they tried to make me 

And if I was willing to put in the work…
I had just enough money saved to make it happen.
So I decided to go all in.
I put in every penny I had at the time…

Including all the savings I’d built up after years of struggling through the tattoo industry…

And I started building my own shop from the ground up
This meant even more research to make sure that I knew how to do all the drywall correctly…

And that I was going to be putting sinks in the right place…

I even had to paint the ceiling with paint that the health department would approve of, which - if you haven’t painted a ceiling before - seems almost impossible.
I didn’t have the funds to get people to come do anything for me. But I was able to piece together knowledge from my friends and from YouTube to do all the carpentry and construction work on my own…
Even though that meant paying for those skills with my time. 

Because there weren’t many videos about opening a tattoo shop, I had to piece together information from whatever I could find…

Try and apply it to what I was doing…
And hope it worked…
Even though tattoo shops have their own very specific health codes and requirements that no one else has to live up to.

This meant I was up late every night trying to get through hours of videos and research, and learning through trial and error in my shop the next day, often wasting supplies and money along the way.
And while I knew that I’d need that knowledge to juggle a few different roles to open my own shop…
I didn’t realize how many hats I’d have to wear during the process.
Carpenter… Builder… Plumber… Business owner… Marketing expert…
Every time I ran into a new skill I had to learn…

It felt like I was starting over from 
square one.

The entire process of opening the shop came to a standstill until I could figure out my next step… 
And I was exhausted from the effort.
I was tired of the weeks of wading through all the legal and business terms that felt like an entirely different language…

Until it finally got to a point where even the smallest obstacle made me want to give up.

“The only thing that kept me 
going was my passion…”

And between that…And the excitement of my new business partner…

We made it happen.

When we officially opened the shop, I was on cloud nine…

And finally, for the first time, I was keeping all the money I made from my tattoos… Which meant my income was effectively about to double.

We were in business for a little while… And my dream was finally coming true right in front of me…
Until things with my business partner fell apart…
And within a few days… I was walking out of that shop for the last time…

Believing that I’d lost my life’s savings…

My dream… And any chance at giving my family the life I’d always wanted for them.

I couldn’t see a way forward. 

My wife convinced me that I should try one more time...

And use the last bit of money we had to open a shop by myself in a new location. 

Honestly? It didn’t seem like I had much of a choice.

By becoming competition to the shops around me… I’d burned my bridges, and I didn’t have anywhere to go back to.

But this time… Opening a shop… And getting things up and running…

Wasn’t nearly as hard.

Because I knew exactly what to do… And I had all the skills I needed without anyone else’s help.

Having that knowledge meant I was able to breeze through all the regulations… Construction requirements…

And I even had a better idea of what I needed to do to have a successful Grand Opening that had customers lining up out the door. 

And within a few days of opening that shop, I’d 
made back all the money I’d put in.

Now, I have 2 other artists and an apprentice working under me, and it’s our 5th year in business at Arrowhead Tattoo.

And since that second shop, I’ve now moved to a third location, which you’re seeing right now.

Because I now know how the process works, I was able put this place together in less than two weeks despite having a busted water line…

And I made back the money I spent on the shop right back on the first day of being open.

Knowing what I know now…

If I could go back in time to when I was starting that very first shop…

I’d do things pretty differently.
I’d start advertising my shop before it opened…
I’d be proactive instead of waiting weeks for government offices to get back to me…
And most of all, I wouldn’t need to put every last penny I had into the 
shop because I now know how to skip the tiny - but costly - mistakes that 
nearly made me walk away from my dreams for good.

Which brings me to the #1 question I get 
from new artists who want to open their 
own shop

How can I open a successful shop fast?

I’ve spent a last year helping artists across the country 
open their dream shops…

But there’s only so many hours in a day…

And it’s impossible for me to reach every single artist out there that needs this information.

So I’m going to answer that question for you right here, right now in the video.
I’m going to show you how to do everything I did for under $5K instead of $50K…
I’m going to show you how to do in 2 weeks what took me 3 months…

I’m going to show you how to accelerate the whole process without getting held up waiting for paperwork and approvals…

This easy-to-follow, step-by-step roadmap contains everything I’ve learned from over 
a decade of experience building shops…

Including everything I did right… And everything I did wrong…

So you can avoid the mistakes I made…

And get your shop up and running by removing the obstacles and frustrations that are currently holding you back.

It’s called The 2-Week Studio.

  • Inside, I’ll walk you through the entire process of getting your shop from having an idea to having the best shop in town for under $5K while still keeping everything up to code.
  • I’ll show you how to pass your local Health Department’s inspections with flying colors…
  • You’ll discover how to find your dream location for your shop that keeps costs down while still bringing in tons of foot traffic….
  • We’ll also make sure you’re ready to get your business license so you can start operating as soon as possible.
Now, that’s the boring stuff…

It gets real good

When we show you how to take your studio designs and turn them into an 
impressive real-life shop that makes your fellow artists and entrepreneurs jealous…
As well as how to throw a grand opening that gets customers to line up around the block…

So you can tattoo all day long to build a huge client list…

And count the money you made all night.

Basically, you’ll get everything you need to open a shop quickly without having to spend $50,000…

Because I’ve already made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

But you already know that getting the shop ready to open only gets you halfway there.
Because it’s one thing opening a shop… And it’s another thing running a shop.

Because to have a successful shop that thrives long term…

You need to get customers through the door so they can pay the bills for you and make sure that you get paid.

Which is why, inside the 2-Week Studio

I’ll explain how to get your signage and business cards in order so that customers can find you…

And how to make a name for yourself in your area as a reputable tattoo shop.

And you’ll be able to do all this....
Without having to search your county’s entire site for the right forms only to get tripped up by a ton of legal wording…
Without spending hours in government buildings or on hold with one office after another to make sure you’ve submitted everything properly…
And without wasting thousands of dollars on the mistakes that cause most shops to cost twice as much as they need to.
This means that you can skip the technical research, which is where many artists give up on their dreams because taking on the business and legal stuff alone is too confusing…

you also get to have real-life advice from me about what I’ve seen work well in a shop…

And what I would have done differently, knowing what I know now.

This means you’ll be going into your first shop experience without doing the hardest - and honestly the most boring - part of the process…
With all the experience of someone who’s been through the whole process 3 times. 
This is a huge leg up when it comes to saving months of your time and tens of thousands of of your own dollars.

But this isn’t just about getting your dream shop up and running on time and in budget…

Or finally being your own boss without any overhead…

It’s about giving your family the best opportunities sooner…

It’s about building something of your own that allows you to take time off and enjoy life on your own terms while still keeping a steady income…

And it’s about getting the true value out of your art, because you get to keep all the profit that your artwork makes

Instead of giving half of it to someone else, just because you’re working in a 
building with their name on it instead of yours.

It’s true that some artists get lucky…

Everything things just falls into place… And opening their own shop is an easy process.
What we’re doing here is removing that luck - which only happens by chance…
And creating your own luck…

By having a clear vision of what each step requires along the way…

And a guide who has in-depth knowledge of the process.

a few days from now, you could be on your way to having your own shop...

All you need is the help of someone who’s already done what you want to do…
Then you’ve already taken the first step toward opening a successful shop that’s ready to grow and bring in money for decades to come.

Because with an easy-to-follow map already outlined for you…

You’ll never be bogged down by confusing forms or surprised by any fees…

But instead, you’ll be moving forward as a confident business owner…

Who doesn’t stay up at night worrying over whether their investment will work out or not.

And you can do all this…
  • Without having to understand complicated legal forms…
  • Without having to get a business degree…
  • Without ever wasting any money…

And without having to scrape by for the first year your shop is open because you don’t have enough clientele.

So, let’s recap what all you’re getting when you join in on my new 2-Week Studio

  • You’ll learn exactly what rules you need to follow when building your shop and exactly who to go to in order to get everything signed off legally so you can be fully licensed to operate…
  • You’ll discover everything you need to include in your shop from the right kind of paint down to the best way to get furniture for your stations without spending a fortune…
  • And you’ll get everything you need to launch your shop’s grand opening and make your money back within your first 3 days in business…

And more.

And because I want you to open your shop and see your dream of being a studio owner come true…
I’ll make this a no-brainer for you.

3 exclusive bonuses

That will make opening your shop an easy, seamless process and make sure you have all the files you need on hand.

bonus 1

complete Economics Calculator

Our pre-made calculator totals up all your monthly expenses for you so you know exactly how much it costs to run your shop. Know how much money you can expect to come into the shop each month, as well as what extra funds you have to do things like upgrade your shop, hire more artists, and more. 

Having this calculator means you’ll never be surprised by monthly bills or equipment expenses, and you’ll be able to easily identify how to cut costs so you can have the most profitable shop possible.

bonus 2

Standard Operating Procedures
 For my own tattoo shop

When you’re first starting out, trying to figure out the best way to be efficient as a shop usually comes with some hiccups. If you don’t have a Standard Operating Procedure, you might forget to order important equipment like paper towels, you won’t be prepared for trash day, you’ll accidentally double-book clients, and skip important sanitation practices.

However, when you have everything written out with reminders that let you know exactly when to take care of each to-do item, you’ll never get caught unprepared, which means more happy clients.

Basically, Standard Operating Procedures is what separates 5-star tattoo shops from 2-star tattoo shops.
It also means that everything is clearly laid out so your shop’s staff can keep everything running smoothly - even when you aren’t there.
That’s why I’m giving you all the Standard Operating Procedures I use in my own shop so you can use them for your own space.

bonus 3

“How to Get Artists - And How to 
Keep Them” Module

Getting amazing artists in your shop will help you grow your business and make sure your clients leave great online reviews. In this bonus module, I’ll explain how to make the best artists in your area a deal they can’t refuse so you can attract the best talent in the industry. 

This means you’ll be working with professional, creative tattooers who value the art form and know how to do business, making your job as an owner easier.

As soon as you join the 2-Week Studio,
you’ll get instant access to all systems, tools, processes and information you need 
to open your own studio.

And you’ll be on your way to creating your dream shop that attracts both high-paying clients and talented artists…
And you’ll be on your way to complete freedom to work whenever you want…
While spending as much time as you want with friends and family.

Because you will have a shop that gives you a steady stream of passive income, so you can create art on your own terms…

Only take on the jobs that you enjoy… Work as much - or as little - as you want…

While also making sure your bills are paid.

Speaking of money…

I know you’re waiting for the catch.

You’re waiting to hear what this program costs…
But there’s a big difference between cost and price.
If you don’t take this opportunity to open your own studio…

The cost is years of your life, working in a shop for 
someone else…

Bending over backward to comply with their schedule…
And paying for their house and their car and their vacations…

While you shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your career just for a booth to hold your equipment and a chair. 

Even if you do open your own shop…

Without the help of a professional who knows how to reach your goal fast…

You’ll still spend months or years chasing your tail…

Wasting hours of your time digging through government websites and filling out forms, crossing your fingers that you’re getting it all right…

While dealing with multiple inspections and extra fees due to tiny mistakes.
That’s why this course isn’t going to cost you a thing.

The price is a different matter.

I’m sure you’re waiting for me to reveal that it’s thousands of dollars…

Or that you’ll have to do a monthly payment plan, adding yet another subscription to your bills…

But the real price…

Is the about the same as one palm-sized tattoo…

Which means it’ll only take a couple hours of doing what you love to make your investment back…

And you get to skip months of research and all the costly mistakes that most new shop owners fall into…

Or years of working in another artist’s shop, never reaching your full potential in this industry.

So when you look at it…
The question is NOT whether you can afford to get the help you need to build your shop and invest in your ultimate goal…
Your family’s future…

And your ability to live life on your own terms.

The real question is:

Do you want to spend the next five, ten, or even fifteen years working in a shop where another artist takes home half of your money?

While the money you do get to keep goes to the basics you and your family need to live…

With very little left to save for the future.
This is how hopeful, excited artists turn into the bitter and angry tattooers who never want to share their information and skills with new artists that our industry is so well known for. 

Because they were promised the world by an industry that never paid out…and now they’re stuck wishing they’d taken the opportunity you’re sitting in front of right now.


do you want to spend the rest of your career creating art in your own shop?

Enjoying the freedom of controlling your own schedule…

And going from an unknown tattooer to an established artist in your community? 

Because if you don’t make that transformation…

And you keep spinning your wheels, barely keeping up with the others…

You risk becoming just another nameless tattooer…
Who’s an average artist in the crowd…
That’s just one of many.
But what’s the point of being just one of many?

What’s the point of doing this and never seeing your work and your art get recognized?

What’s the point?
The only point of doing this is to do what you set out to do…
And go all the way.  

Or else your mind will always come back to this video, wondering why you didn’t even try to build your dream life when there was an easy-to-follow roadmap to your goals just one click away

And before I lay out the price…

I want to tell you what you won’t pay.

  • You won’t pay to redo all the plumbing and electrical in a building because no one told you that your sinks and outlets are in the wrong places to pass your county’s regulations…
  • You won’t pay rent for your shop month after month out of your own pocket because you didn’t have a plan for your grand opening that would draw in customers to pay that rent for you.
  • You won’t even pay the price of a professional tattoo machine.
  • Actually, you won’t even pay half the price of a new pro tattoo machine…

And you’ll get everything you need to open your dream shop…

From someone in the industry who’s already built and opened 3 successful shops with 
his current one making over $1500 profit per day.
Because you’re watching this video right now… And because I have been in your shoes more than once…

And I know how lost you feel whenever you start googling all the requirements for opening a shop…

And see all this stuff about permits and zoning and licensing that no one’s ever taught you…

I want to give you this course for just

Why that price?

Because I don’t want you to owe me… Or feel like you have to go into debt just for having a big dream…

And I definitely don’t want you to have to go the route of getting a legal consultant, accountant, and business manager to help you out instead…

Because you’ll be paying them back for months… And they don’t even understand how the tattoo industry works.
Basically, with the 2-Week Studio, you’ll be able to make the cost of the course back by noon of your opening day…
And then you’ll be able to move forward after day 1 knowing that all the profit goes into your pocket.

I think you’ll agree that’s more than fair, since we’ll be setting you up for a successful shop that makes you money for years or even decades to come.
And if that’s not enough…
I’m going to put all the risk on me.

If within 14 days you decide that this course doesn’t have the info you need to get your shop up running fast within your budget…

Just send me an email at, and I’ll make sure you get every penny back.
So, if you’re worried, it’s not about the cost of the course… 

Because I’ve just told you I’ll give you everything back if you decide it’s not for you.

And if you’re like I was, and you know that opening your own shop and being your own boss is the key to your best life…
Then you can either keep giving half your money to another shop owner…

Or you can invest in your dream now, and enjoy the benefits - and income - of opening your own shop sooner.
If you’ve thought about opening your own shop since the moment you picked up a tattoo machine…
But you’ve been waiting for the right time to finally make that leap…

now is the moment you've been waiting for.

I can’t click the button for you…
But if you want to be your own boss…

Work when YOU want to work…

With the artists and clients you want to be around…

While enjoying passive income…

And building the life you and your family dream of…
Instead of continuing to struggle, trying to fight through the confusion and figure out how to turn your passion into a thriving business…
  • Along with instant access
    to the   Economics
  • And all my done-for-you Standard Operating Procedures
  • And the bonus module, How to Get Artists - And How to Keep Them


Until the timer at the bottom of the page reaches zero. After that, the price is going to double.
So if you want to open your own shop for under $5K instead of $50K…

And do in 2 weeks what took me 3 months…

Hit that button below and realize that this one single click is the only thing that stands between you and the secrets to creating your dream tattoo shop without breaking the bank…

Hit that button below and realize it’s just this one click is the one wall between you and doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling your current tattooing income. 

Hit that button and realize that this is the moment when you went from being years away from your dream shop…
To being only a few months or weeks away. 
And remember, I’m taking all the risk off of you and putting it on me…

So if, within 14 days, you decide the course isn’t actually helpful 
for you…

All you have to do is email me at, and I’ll give you all your money back.
In six months, you’ll either be looking back at this moment and realize you’re still in the same place, giving half your income to another shop owner…

And spending hours every week trying to figure out how to even get started looking for a shop location…

Or, you’ll have your shop up and running, working with other amazing artists, bringing in more money than you thought possible in your first year.

It’s time to choose.

Still here?

If you are, it’s because you know that you’re either going to open your own shop and be successful…

Or be haunted by the “what ifs” for the rest of your life
This isn’t some short, one-minute video…

So if you’re still here, I guarantee it’s because you’re really serious about having your own shop…

And you know that getting help from someone who’s done it is the first step to reaching that goal…
But there’s something holding you back. 
Maybe it’s because you think you don’t have enough business background…

Or maybe you feel like your tattoos aren’t good enough to strike out on your own yet…
If that’s you, here’s my best advice:
I learned how to run a business by actually going through the process of opening a shop…

And in the time since I’ve started my own studio, I’ve become a way better artist

The only way to prepare yourself to run a successful shop…

Is simply to begin the process.

Because you can’t see the results you want…

Until you’ve actually opened your studio. 

And that’s why this course will be so important when it comes to reaching your goals. Because it makes that space between where you are now…

And where you want to be

As short and inexpensive as humanly possible. 
Give yourself the best opportunity to reach your goals in this industry by getting the 
step-by-step help you need to make the most of your time and money.