THE BEST Way to Specialize in Neo Traditional Tattooing 
(in as Little as 90 Days!)

...Even if you're brand-new to the industry and struggle to create your own artwork from scratch

Today is the day to 
embrace uniqueness

In the tattoo world, there's two types of artists:

There’s the one who’s the best…

And there’s one who’s unique.

They both make wads of cash every day…

So, what’s the difference?

Becoming the best takes decades

But to become unique…you can do that today.

All you need is your own style 
that no one else can tattoo.

Here’s a secret: creating a style that only you can do…

It’s easier than you think…

And I’m going to show you how to do it right now…

Without ever begging for clients…

Without putting your family’s finances at risk for your creative career…

And without making mistakes that cost you years of progress while you “figure out” the industry. 


“…I went from doing free tattoos to now charging anywhere between $250-$400 per tattoo…i’m making about $4,000 a month…”

-Ben Meeks, Tattooing 101 Student



My name’s Brandon. I’ve been tattooing for 13 years, and today I own my own shop in Tennessee.

But back when I was 18, I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to get into the industry at all.

I had just gotten my first tattoo…

And I knew deep down that tattooing was the only job I’d ever be able to love.

But I was worried that I would drop out of school…
Leave my job…

Give up the “normal” path that almost everyone in my life supported…
And fail.

When all the tattoo shops in my area turned me away for an apprenticeship, I was almost relieved…

I took that as a sign that tattooing was just a dream job after all - but one I’d never get…

Until I got a call.


A friend of mine told his tattoo artist about me…

And he was willing to take me on as an apprentice.

It seemed like all the doors had suddenly opened for me and that my life had finally taken a 180…

I let myself get my hopes up…

And then when I actually got to the shop.

The whole place was dirty…

And it was pretty clear that the artists there didn’t care at all about sanitation…

One of the artist’s clients even came back explaining that he got a staph infection just from getting tattooed in the shop.

I left, thinking there could not possibly be a worse shop to work in…

But there was. 
When I started apprenticing at a different shop…

My mentor would blow up pictures of every tattoo I did and rip me to shreds over every mistake…

He was constantly on drugs…

And he even threw one of the other artists against the wall when he was out of control with rage.

I left that shop too and thought that after two failed apprenticeships…

I’d burned all my bridges in the industry.

My friends could tell I was depressed…

And they tried to get me to tattoo them outside the shop, but I didn’t have the heart for it.

I was tempted to give up tattooing forever this time…


But luckily, when I moved, an opportunity for one more apprenticeship popped up.

Worried I was making the wrong choice again…I was pretty skeptical when I took it.

But the mentor at my new shop actually taught me a little bit more every day…

And showed me that the techniques I’d picked up from the old shops were wrong…

Which meant I had to start learning how to tattoo all over again from scratch.

After months of unlearning my bad habits…
And building my skills correctly…

I learned how to tattoo and took walk-in clients every day.
I thought that because I was tattooing professionally, that I’d finally be raking in cash after years of struggling…
But I wasn’t.

I was still fighting tooth and nail to get more clients through the door…

And make sure my family was taken care of.
It wasn’t until I stopped looking at the work of the artists around me…

And instead started looking at the tattoos that the top artists in the world were doing…
That I realized…

Those high-earning artists weren’t tattooing every style under the sun like all of us in the shop…

They had chosen one style...
And they were sticking to it.

For example, Samuele Briganti only did bright, bold traditional tattoos…

And they were better than any other American traditional tattoos.

Nikko Hurtado’s tattoos blew all other realism out of the water…

And Horiyoshi III brought the Japanese style to a whole new level.

I could immediately separate their work from any other artist’s…

Because how they did their tattoos were unique to them.
They decided to master the style they loved…

Instead of getting distracted and trying tons of different styles and ideas.

So, I decided to take a chance and do the same thing.



I chose to only do Neo Traditional designs because they were getting really popular…

Celebrities were catching onto the style…

Clients were asking for it…

And people were seeing it and recognizing it as a style on TV shows like Ink Master and L.A. Ink.

After studying the style for a while…

And breaking it down into specific principles that I could repeat with any design a client wanted…

That decision paid off.

Customers started asking for me by name…

And they referred new customers to me because they knew I was the only one who could tattoo in my style.

Not to mention, now that I had specialized in a style…

And I was better at it than most of the other artists in my area…

I was getting to do a lot of larger tattoos…

While also charging more money. 
The extra cash meant that I was able to start my own tattoo shop…

Where today I only take the jobs I want and do all custom work that I love.

Now that I’ve reached the level I’m at today…

I’ve found that once you have the basics of tattooing down…

It’s actually pretty simple to learn a new style and find your unique interpretation of it…

The only reason it seems so hard is because most tattoo artists are scared to give away their secrets because they think they’ll lose customers…

But they don’t realize that tattooing has grown exponentially in the past few years…
And there are so many clients to go around that the industry actually needs more new tattoo artists like you to keep up with the growing demand.

That’s why now is the best time to specialize in one style…

Because this sudden flood of customers is how you’ll be able to grow a client list that will keep you booked out for your entire career.

I don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity just because other tattoo artists think you should go through painful years of trial and error before reaching their level.

And there’s two ways you can go about this.

You can try to learn by yourself by watching YouTube and looking at pictures on Google to try and dissect it yourself…

But we both know that if that worked, everyone would be doing it for free.

The other way is to have it explained to you by a professional who specializes in the style…

And show you how to do it step by step…

Which is why I’ve put together a tattooing course showing you exactly how to tattoo the style I’ve been tattooing for over 10 years, neo traditional.



In the Tattooing 101 Neo Traditional Tattoo Course, I’ve organized everything you need to know to master Neo Traditional tattooing and put it into easy-to-follow modules so you can skip the apprenticeship, the guesswork, and all the frustration that usually comes with finding your style as a tattoo artist by following just 10 steps.


Inside the program, you’ll discover the industry’s best-kept secrets. I’ll show you how to identify the Neo Traditional style and use those defining elements in your own work, take inspiration from other artists to build out your own unique style that clients can only get from you, and create your own designs that clients can’t resist.

But that’s only half the battle. Which is why I’ll also break down how to tattoo neo traditional designs on your clients by choosing the right equipment to get the job done, confidently using professional tattooing techniques, and turning your tattoo clients into walking advertisements that get new customers in the door.

This means you’ll be fully prepared to confidently handle both the creative and technical sides of Neo Traditional tattooing which means you’ll have the tools to FINALLY stop living for the clock and work the hours you want while doing what you love and making WAY MORE money than you thought was possible.
This isn’t just about reaching your potential as a tattoo artist…

This isn’t even about never feeling that vice grip in your chest every time you check your bank account, fill up your gas tank, or pay rent again.

This is about being able to give more to your family like you’ve always wanted to…

This is about finally admitting that you deserve to stop scraping by in a dead-end job and enjoy your life without going through the starving artist phase.

I know how easy it is to think that this all sounds great, but that stuff like this just doesn’t happen for people like you…
But it does.
Through Tattooing 101, I’ve helped construction workers, accountants, restaurant servers, busy parents, single mothers, and more with courses just like this one to create entirely new lives for themselves.

And by watching this video, you’re on your way to becoming one of those success stories just like the aspiring artists who were in that same seat you’re sitting in right now just a few months ago…

Without having to go through an unsafe or abusive apprenticeship like I did…

And without trying to learn for “free” from all the rookies on YouTube, making the same mistakes they’re making…
And wasting the same time they’re wasting.

And because this course is structured so that each lesson builds on the last one…

You can successfully learn to tattoo Neo Traditional designs and have a thriving career…

Even if you have no drawing or tattooing experience.


Here Is Ben Meeks Doing Over 200 Tattoos On People And Being Booked Up 2 Months In Advance making about $4000 a month.

This is Brock whose been making $2k-$5k a week doing tattoos after learning from the program.

This Is Heather, After Learning From Us She Is Now Booked Out For 3 Months And Has A Massive Flow Of People Coming In To Get Tattoos From Her...

This Is Justin Underwood, After Going Through Our Programs He Opened His Own Shop And Now He Is Booked Out 7 Months In Advance...

Meet Nina, just a couple of weeks after going through our program, she was able to double her investment AND SET UP HER OWN STUDIO.

Meet Chris Which Started Only A Year Ago And After Learning From Tattooing 101 He Opened His Own Studio Which Has 3 Artists That Are Working There On A Regular Basis...

Just a Recap...


Crush the Competition

When you specialize in one style, you are able to master skills and designs that other artists can’t do. This means customers have just one choice for the work they want: you. As an in-demand artist, you can stay out of price wars with other artists competing for the same small pool of clients who are just looking for the cheapest option.

Make More Money

Because you’re able to create one-of-a-kind tattoos that no other artist can do, you’ll attract clients who are willing to pay more just to get tattooed by you. This means you can charge more money per hour and still be booked out weeks in advance.

Build a “Recession Proof” Brand

Since you’ll be creating art that is 100% unique, people will begin to follow you and your work. As your audience grows, clients will travel from different states and countries just to get your work. This makes your career recession-proof because you won’t be relying on customers in your city…you’ll have a steady stream of clients worldwide.

Do the Designs You Like

As a well-known artist, you get to pick and choose what designs you take on. This means that your work is exciting every day, and you never have to redraw the same Pinterest tattoos again and again. Clients will come to you and trust your artistic vision, giving you complete creative freedom.

When You Join the Tattooing 101 Neo Traditional Tattoo Course You'll Also Get These


The only thing we could do that’d make it easier to go from a complete beginner with no experience to thriving professional who’s booked out for months in advance…

Is if we sat down and walked you through every tool and technique you needed to learn how to draw the Neo Traditional designs you’ll be tattooing from scratch without needing to look at other artists’ work first…


Neo Traditional Drawing Course

This FREE bonus course gives you all the tools you need to start drawing original neo traditional designs from scratch, even if you’ve never taken an art class before or have always struggled to make new designs off the top of your head.

In this bonus course, you’ll discover how to draw hands and faces in the Neo Traditional style, how to add patterns and additional line work to your designs to create a signature look, and how to add shading to your designs without second-guessing yourself. 
VALUE: $97



For your second bonus, you’ll be getting a Sketchbook filled with Pre-Drawn Neo Traditional Flash Designs that you can use as inspiration for your own work, or as stencils for your own tattoos. Having a ton of designs for clients to choose from right away will be a huge time saver as you build your own portfolio and start taking on customers. 
VALUE: $47


Flash Sheet Frames

Bonus number three is a series of flash sheet frames. Placing your own tattoo flash designs on these pre-designed sheets will give them a more professional and cohesive look.
VALUE: $30



For your fourth bonus, you’ll be getting a collection of my favorite Neo Traditional color palettes. These are my go-to combinations for Neo Traditional tattoo designs, and now I want to give them to you to use in your own work.
VALUE: $19



And for your fifth and final bonus, you’ll be getting a full Procreate Master Class. In it, I’ll show you how to use Procreate to design amazing, professional tattoos…
And use the design tools to create amazing textures, backgrounds, and tattoo mock-ups.
VALUE: $97
Once you join the Neo Traditional Tattoo Course, you’ll get instant access to all of this…
And you’ll be on your way to getting past the gatekeeping in this industry and putting yourself on an even playing field with artists with years of experience under their belt.
Once you get instant access to all of this…
👉 You’ll be on your way to learning the secrets of creating Neo Traditional tattoo designs in your own unique style, giving yourself an advantage over artists who never developed their own signature style and make less money doing tattoos everyone else can do.

👉 You can cut out all the time most artists spend groveling at the feet of more experienced tattooers, begging for tiny bits of information…

👉 And skip past the hours of watching videos that promise to teach you something about tattooing…but never really show you how to do it…

👉 You can learn to tattoo faster than you think possible…

👉 You get to build a portfolio you’re proud of…

👉 You get to impress shop owners and clients with your skills…

👉 And you get to stop slogging through your work day…

👉 And make more money doing what you’re most passionate about.
And speaking of money…

I’m sure you’re thinking “Ok, cool Brandon. Now tell me how expensive this is so I can walk away from this offer…

Not spend a dime…

And feel like I’ve saved money by not investing just a bit of cash in a dream job that could make my current income look like chump change.”

And I get it…

But before we talk about the price…

Let’s talk about what you’ll be charging after going through this course.

When you specialize in a style…
You can start charging more for your tattoos…

Which means - on average - you’ll be making $500 or more per tattoo.

If you then tattoo only ten clients in a week…

You’ll be making 5 grand, easy.

With that in mind…

Let’s get to the price of the course.

It’s not going to cost you the five thousand that you’re going to make in just one week of tattooing…

It’s not going to cost you half that…

So kick a four-figure price tag out of your mind.

It’s not even going to cost you what you’d make in a single day of tattooing.

in fact...

This course is about half that much…

And you can do it all in your own home…

On your own time.

Because you’re watching this video right now…

And because I’ve been in your shoes…

And I know how frustrating it is to look for help around every corner and find nothing but an unforgiving industry
 that would rather criticize your mistakes than teach you how to move forward…

I want to give you a special price of $397.

That’s what you’ll make with a hand-sized tattoo that you can do in a single afternoon…

Which I’ll show you exactly how to do inside the course.

If that’s not a deal, I don’t know what is.



  Chapter 01: Introduction

  Chapter 02: Creating NeoTrad Design - Theory

  Chapter 03: Creating NeoTrad Design - Practical

  Chapter 04: Equipment

  Chapter 05: Linework

  Chapter 06: Shading

  Chapter 07: Color

  Chapter 08: Highlights

  Chapter 09: Fake Skin Follow-Along Tattoo

  Chapter 10: Live Tattoos


👉 Bonus 01: Neo Traditional Drawing Course (value $97)
👉 Bonus 02: Sketchbook (value $47)
👉 Bonus 03: Flash Sheet Frames (value $30)
👉 Bonus 04: Neo Traditional Color Palette (value $19)
👉 Bonus 05: Procreate Master Class (value $97)
Total Value: $800


Lifetime Access
Easy, secure
one-time payment
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • ​Neo Traditional Course
  • ​All bonuses!
  • ​And much more!


If you don’t think it’s worth this small investment (literally less than one tattoo session) then we’re happy to give you all your money back


Payment Plan
Lifetime access
3 monthly payments
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • ​Neo Traditional Course
  • ​All bonuses!
  • ​And much more!
And if that’s not enough…

I’m going to put all the risk on me.

If within 30 days you decide that the course doesn’t have all the things you need to improve your tattooing and get your start in the industry…

Just send me an email at, and I’ll gladly refund all your money.

So, if you’re worried, it’s not about the price…

Because I’ve just told you…


And if you’re like me and you’ve been bitten by the “tattoo bug”…

Then you know that money is probably going toward tattoos, anyway.

But you can either give that money to another artist and get tattooed by someone else…

Or you can invest that money into YOUR goals and learn how to tattoo like a professional yourself.

If you’ve always wanted to be a tattoo artist…

But you’ve been waiting to get the opportunity you need to act and turn that dream into your reality…

Here’s your chance, being given to you on a silver platter. 

I can’t make this decision for you…

But if you want to enjoy the work you do every day, tattooing designs in your own unique style…

Instead of struggling to understand tattoo styles and techniques…

Wishing you could crack the code to doing amazing Neo Traditional tattoos…

Click the button right now to get instant access to the Tattooing 101 Neo Traditional Course…

Along with instant access to the Neo Traditional Drawing Course…

And the flash designs…

And the flash sheet and color templates…

And the Proceate Master Class.
👉 Click the button below and realize that this one single click is the only thing that stands between you and the secrets to creating stunning Neo Traditional tattoo designs.

👉 Click the button below and realize it’s just this one click that’s keeping you from learning how to tattoo in your own unique style that will get you booked out with clients for months in advance.

👉 Hit that button and realize that this is the moment when you stopped trying to figure out tattooing the slow way and took the step that can help you make money from your tattoos in just a few months.

And remember, I’m taking the risk off of you and putting it all on me…

Because if you try the course and decide it’s not right for you…

All you have to do is email me at, and I’ll give you all your money back.

A month from now, you can look back and realize you’re still stuck in your tattoo career, trying to crack the code of Neo Traditional tattoos…

Or, you can have a portfolio of incredible Neo Traditional tattoos that you’ve created in your unique style.




  Chapter 01: Introduction

  Chapter 02: Creating NeoTrad Design - Theory

  Chapter 03: Creating NeoTrad Design - Practical

  Chapter 04: Equipment

  Chapter 05: Linework

  Chapter 06: Shading

  Chapter 07: Color

  Chapter 08: Highlights

  Chapter 09: Fake Skin Follow-Along Tattoo

  Chapter 10: Live Tattoos


👉 Bonus 01: Neo Traditional Drawing Course (value $97)
👉 Bonus 02: Sketchbook (value $47)
👉 Bonus 03: Flash Sheet Frames (value $30)
👉 Bonus 04: Neo Traditional Color Palette (value $19)
👉 Bonus 05: Procreate Master Class (value $97)
Total Value: $800


Lifetime Access
Easy, secure
one-time payment
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • ​Neo Traditional Course
  • ​All bonuses!
  • ​And much more!


If you don’t think it’s worth this small investment (literally less than one tattoo session) then we’re happy to give you all your money back


Payment Plan
Lifetime access
3 monthly payments
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • ​Neo Traditional Course
  • ​All bonuses!
  • ​And much more!


Still here?

If you are, it’s because you’re not ready to give up on your dream of becoming a tattoo artist…

You’ve gotten all the way to the end of this page…

Which tells me you’re ready to get serious about learning how to tattoo Neo Traditional like a professional…

But something’s holding you back from pulling the trigger.

Maybe it’s been a while since you got something for yourself that wasn’t a necessity…

Maybe you feel like you haven’t practiced enough to take the plunge and buy the course.

Here’s the thing: our society makes people think that art can’t be a “real job”...

And that’s why buying a course that will help you get to your creative career feels like selfish spending.
But let’s break this down logically:

If you wanted to do any other career in any other field…

Wouldn’t you do the proper training to get there?

More importantly: Wouldn’t you need proper training to get there?

It’s the same thing with tattooing - professional tattoo artists can’t reach their highest potential - both artistically and financially - if they don’t have the right training.

Give yourself the training you need to not only break into the industry…but thrive there.

Hit the button below to join the Tattooing 101 Neo Traditional Course.
Still here?

If you are, it’s because you’re not ready to give up on your dream of becoming a tattoo artist…

You’ve gotten all the way to the end of this page…

Which tells me you’re ready to get serious about learning how to tattoo Neo Traditional like a professional…

But something’s holding you back from pulling the trigger.

Maybe it’s been a while since you got something for yourself that wasn’t a necessity…

Maybe you feel like you haven’t practiced enough to take the plunge and buy the course.

Here’s the thing: our society makes people think that art can’t be a “real job”...

And that’s why buying a course that will help you get to your creative career feels like selfish spending.
But let’s break this down logically:

If you wanted to do any other career in any other field…

Wouldn’t you do the proper training to get there?

More importantly: Wouldn’t you need proper training to get there?

It’s the same thing with tattooing - professional tattoo artists can’t reach their highest potential - both artistically and financially - if they don’t have the right training.

Give yourself the training you need to not only break into the industry…but thrive there.

Hit the button below to join the Tattooing 101 Neo Traditional Course.



  Chapter 01: Introduction

  Chapter 02: Creating NeoTrad Design - Theory

  Chapter 03: Creating NeoTrad Design - Practical

  Chapter 04: Equipment

  Chapter 05: Linework

  Chapter 06: Shading

  Chapter 07: Color

  Chapter 08: Highlights

  Chapter 09: Fake Skin Follow-Along Tattoo

  Chapter 10: Live Tattoos


👉 Bonus 01: Neo Traditional Drawing Course (value $97)
👉 Bonus 02: Sketchbook (value $47)
👉 Bonus 03: Flash Sheet Frames (value $30)
👉 Bonus 04: Neo Traditional Color Palette (value $19)
👉 Bonus 05: Procreate Master Class (value $97)
Total Value: $800


Lifetime Access
Easy, secure
one-time payment
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • ​Neo Traditional Course
  • ​All bonuses!
  • ​And much more!


If you don’t think it’s worth this small investment (literally less than one tattoo session) then we’re happy to give you all your money back


Payment Plan
Lifetime access
3 monthly payments
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • ​Neo Traditional Course
  • ​All bonuses!
  • ​And much more!